Saturday 22 December 2012

Into the Dark (PC Game )

Description: “You`re Peter “Pete” O`Brannon, a Private Eye. Sounds faszinating? It isn`t, trust me – unless you find it exciting to hunt down cheating husbands and lost dogs while living of cheap Chinese food in shabby motels. THAT would be what Petes job is all about – but luckily for him, he has a good customer paying his bills. It`s GlobalSecure Inc., one of the biggest insurance companies on the East Coast.

More exactely, it`s Samantha “Sam” Miller who runs their investigation departement on insurance fraud. She`s tough, she`s intelligent, she`s better than Pete. By far better. But due to the companies Code of Conduct and some very nasty ethic rules, she`s prevented from taking, erm, “semi-legal” steps to gain essential information and proofs. That`s where Pete steps in – for 500 bucks per day + expenses + a nice 20% share of the money the company saves with whatever Pete finds out. These 20% could be the winning ticket for a major lottery in the latest case Pete has been assigned to….”

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