Sunday, 10 February 2013

The Surfer-TiNYiSO 2012 (PC Game)

Description: THE SURFER® challenges gamers to drop in and conquer living, heaving waves.

Now you can learn how to surf without the need to die trying! The Surfer® combines high-speed momentum based surfing with big carves and air tricks on incredible waves from around the globe. The game features real surfing physics with a true-to-life feel and sense of control, but powered up for arcade fun. For the first time ever in a surfing game – you can physically pump up and down the wave to build up momentum and then score big, purely, as a result of the speed generated from the wave.

In this leader-board style of competition, complete with waves that barrel, peak, break left, right, or just foam crumble. Pro Tour “hopefuls” battle it out on the Qualifying Tour trying to earn a place on the lucrative Pro Tour. Three different gameplay modes will allow the surfers to test their skills in a variety of exciting surfing events. Want to learn how to surf? Our comprehensive Tutorial condenses 25 years worth of surfing experience down to about 15 minutes. Feel like brushing up on some tricks and getting a feel for the water? Free Surf is the way to go. How about a core competition? The Qualifying Tour is the season long fight to make the Pro Tour. You’ve got to progress through an array of different events, ultimately leading up to a place on the Pro Tour.

The game is developed in 3 separate sections. In the Section 1, you’ll enjoy a solid single player experience and you can get your toes wet by competing on the Qualifying Tour. In the upcoming Sections 2 & 3, you compete on the Pro Tour you can buy or create your own equipment, tow-in to ride monster waves, upgrade your character stats and play out core multiplayer modes with friends.


    Genuinely random waves – Waves that genuinely tube, or roll with a life of their own. If you’ve ever really wanted to go surfing but haven’t tried, then come and share a wave with us.
    Hardcore Tour - No longer are events restricted to regular surfing beaches. A leader-board styled competition featuring open ocean big wave events, tidal bores and stadium courses form the basis of a tour where the surfer left standing has proven to be the complete waterman or woman.
    Define Your Style of Surfing -Create your own style and personality with animation and physics that give you the freedom to decide how your surfer looks, feels, and rides.

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