Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Veterinary Epidemiology 3rd Edition

Veterinary Epidemiology
3rd Edition
By Michael Thrusfield  

Book Description:    

Since the publication of the second edition there has been considerable expansion in the application of veterinary epidemiology: more quantitative methods are available, challenges such as the epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease in Europe in 2001 have required epidemiological investigation, and epidemiological analyses have taken on further importance with the emergence of evidence-based veterinary medicine.

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Clinical Veterinary Advisor For - Dogs and Cat

Clinical Veterinary Advisor For - Dogs and Cat

Book Description:   

No other quick reference comes close in covering the diagnosis and treatment of hundreds of diseases in dogs and cats. Etienne Cote's Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats, 2nd Edition is like six books in one -- with concise topics within sections on diseases and disorders, procedures and techniques, differential diagnosis, laboratory tests, clinical algorithms, and a drug formulary. Revised from cover to cover, this edition includes dozens of new topics. It also includes free access to a fully searchable companion website featuring an electronic version of the text, all of the book's images, a searchable drug formulary, and 150 Client Education Sheets in both English and Spanish.

        Section I: Diseases and Disorders provides at-a-glance coverage of nearly 800 common medical problems, arranged alphabetically for immediate access. Entries include a definition, synonyms, epidemiology, clinical presentation, etiology and pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, workup, treatment, prognosis and outcome, plus pearls and considerations. Concise descriptions simplify diagnosis and treatment.

        Section II: Procedures and Techniques offers illustrated, step-by-step instructions for understanding and performing 111 important clinical procedures.

        Section III: Differential Diagnosis displays nearly every possible cause for 260 different clinical disorders.

        Section IV: Laboratory Tests summarizes essential information needed for interpreting more than 150 lab tests.

        Section V: Clinical Algorithms provides decision trees for the diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making processes involved in managing 91 of the most common clinical conditions/disorders.

        Section VI: Drug Formulary is a compilation of dosages and other relevant information for more than 300 new and current medications.

        410 illustrations and photographs depict disease processes and related concepts.

    A companion website includes the complete text of the book in a fully searchable format, allowing quick access to information, and all of the book's images. It also includes 150 Client Education Sheets, each available in both English and Spanish.

        Clinical guidance added to diseases and disorders chapters helps you select appropriate tests and treatments for each case.

        50 new client "how-to" handouts are added for a total of 150 client education sheets, helping to improve outcomes by informing clients.

        Technician Tips are inserted throughout nearly 800 diseases and disorders, providing specialized information for veterinary technicians.

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Handbook of Veterinary Obstetrics 2nd Edition

 Handbook of Veterinary Obstetrics

Author: Jackson, Peter G.G. (University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK)
Publisher: Saunders (W.B.) Co Ltd
Edition: 2nd Revised edition

Book Description:   

This handbook provides a clear and practical guide to veterinary obstetrics in large and small domestic animals. A detailed description of normal birth facilitates immediate recognition of the abnormal by the practitioner and provides a baseline against which dystocia and its treatment can be measured. The causes of dystocia encountered in each of the domestic species are described, with notes on some exotic species. Immediate care of mother and offspring following delivery, and problems which occur post-parturition are also covered.

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Clinical Veterinary Toxicology

Clinical Veterinary Toxicology
By Konnie Plumlee 

 Book Description:  

This book covers all aspects of toxicology, including toxic diseases of large animals, small animals, and exotic pets. It provides key information on how poisons affect the body, how the body responds to a foreign substance, how poisonings are diagnosed, and how poisonings are treated.

Coverage includes every organ system of every species of animal with details on each body system's susceptibility to poison. Poisons affect animals differently depending on species, breed, age, gender, health status, and reproductive status. This resource addresses these differences, allowing the veterinarian to determine the class of toxicant, the mechanism of action, and the proper course of treatment. If confronted with an unknown poison, the information in this book will assist the veterinarian in formulating a list of potential poisons based on the clinical signs that the animal is exhibiting, and in choosing the appropriate tests to narrow the list to one or a few possible poisons.

  • Most comprehensive toxicology book available
  • Written in a user-friendly style that makes it easy to master the content
  • Covers poisonings in both large and small domestic animals
  • The Principles of Toxicology section provides comprehensive coverage of concepts & terminology, toxicokinetics, treatments, and regulatory information
  • The Manifestations of Toxicoses section is devoted to differentiating between poisons based on lesions and clinical signs
  • The Classes of Toxicants section offers detailed information on each poison, including sources, risk factors, pathophysiology, clinical signs and lesions, diagnostic testing, and treatment
  • The author is board-certified in toxicology, and the contributors are all toxicologists and educators, ensuring authoritative, up-to-date clinical information

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Veterinary Medicine 10th Edition

Veterinary Medicine
A textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats
10th Edition
By Otto M. Radostits, Clive C. Gay, Kenneth W. Hinchcliff, Peter D. Constable

Book Description:   

The new 10th edition of this well-respected reference includes thoroughly revised and reviewed information with content on new diseases for the most up-to-date information on diseases effecting sheep, pigs, goats, horses, and cattle. Divided into two sections, General Medicine and Special Medicine, the book covers topics ranging from the clinical examination and manifestation of disease in organ systems to specific diseases of the large animal species.

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Cancer Chemotherapy for the Veterinary Health Team

Cancer Chemotherapy for the Veterinary Health Team

By  Kenneth Crump, Douglas H. Thamm 

Book Description:    

Is a clinically relevant and practical manual designed as a guide for the safe and effective administration of cancer chemotherapy. Coverage includes patient assessment, chemotherapy equipment, drug preparation, safety considerations, handling, administration, waste disposal, and management of chemotherapy side effects. An alphabetical listing of common chemotherapy agents offers information on their uses, indications, and toxicities, as well as administration guidelines for methods, routes, and speeds.
With background information for effectively communicating with clients, including coverage of veterinary cancer surgery and radiation therapy, the book provides specific strategies that address the challenging emotional issues surrounding the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in pets. With particular insight into the technician's role, Cancer Chemotherapy for the Veterinary Health Team is a must-have reference for any practice offering chemotherapy.

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Cardiovascular Disease in Small Animal Medicine

Cardiovascular Disease in Small Animal Medicine

Book Description:   

 Now with revised text and references (2011), this book aims to provide a general overview of dermatology of the dog and cat in a case based format. It contains over 200 clinical cases and self-assessment problems reviewing the most common skin diseases encountered in clinical practice, plus some more obscure diseases that a veterinarian will encounter only occasionally or rarely.
The cases appear randomly to reflect real life practice and vary in complexity. Coverage ranges from the more easily treatable to the most difficult and serious cases. The self-assessment format, featuring questions, top quality colour illustrations and detailed answers and explanations is designed to educate, not just to test. It appeals to all those dealing with skin diseases in small animals, veterinary practitioners and students, veterinary nurses and technicians.

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Fundamentals of Veterinary Clinical Pathology Second Edition

Fundamentals of Veterinary Clinical Pathology 
By Steven L. Stockham, Michael A. Scott  
Second Edition

Book Description:   

This book provides in-depth information about common clinical laboratory assays that are used to evaluate domestic mammals, including what assays measure, sample or assay conditions that affect results, and what results indicate about the physiologic or pathologic state of a patient. Whenever possible, diseases and conditions are grouped by common mechanisms or processes to promote a conceptual understanding of laboratory data that can be generally applied across many species. New to the second edition are additional disorders, diagnostic tests, illustrations, images, references, and pathophysiologic explanations. This text has proven valuable to students and veterinarians wanting a fundamental understanding of veterinary clinical pathology.

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Reproduction in Farm Animals

Reproduction in Farm Animals
By E. S. E. Hafez, B. Hafez  
7th Edition 

Book Description:  

When you're looking for a comprehensive and reliable text on large animal reproduction, look no further! the seventh edition of this classic text is geared for the undergraduate student in Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine.
In response to reader feedback, Dr. Hafez has streamlined and edited the entire text to remove all repetitious and nonessential material. That means you'll learn more in fewer pages.
Plus the seventh editing is filled with features that help you grasp the concepts of reproduction in farm animals so you'll perform better on exams and in practice:

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Ocular Tumors in Animals and Humans Ist Edition

Ocular Tumors in Animals and Humans
By Robert L. Peiffer, Kenneth B. Simons
Ist Edition

Book Description: 

The application of evidence-based veterinary medicine (EBVM) can assist in improving and optimising the diagnosis, prognosis, control, treatment and ultimately the welfare of animals. It can also provide the user with a methodology for appropriate, patient orientated life-long, self-directed, learning. To practise evidence-based veterinary medicine we require a range of skills that we may not have.
This book will explain what evidence-based veterinary medicine is and show how it can be applied to veterinary practice to improve the quality of care for patients and provide informed choices for owners. It will provide the reader with a toolkit of skills necessary to practise evidence-based veterinary medicine.
The authors explain how to:
· Transform information needs into a series of clinical questions that can be answered
· Search for best available external evidence
· Critically appraise the evidence for its validity and importance
· Apply the results in clinical practice
· Understand the process of diagnosis and use of clinical diagnostic decision support systems
· Perform a decision analysis

This book is aimed at practitioners but will be of interest to veterinary surgeons at any stage of their training or career wishing to learn about EBVM.
The authors are responsible for devising and teaching an EBVM course at the veterinary school at Cambridge.

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Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease Ist Edition

Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease
By P J Quinn, B K Markey, M E Carter, William J Donnelly, W J Donnelly, F C Leonard
Ist Edition

Book Description: 

Veterinary Microbiology is one of the core subjects for veterinary students. This is a core textbook covering every aspect of veterinary microbiology for students in both paraclinical and clinical years. The clinical applications to farm and companion animals, which are of relevance to the veterinarians are emphasised. In each case there is a concise description of the groups of micro-organisms, the diseases they produce, immunological aspects and a summary of infectious diseases based on their main clinical signs. Unlike other microbiology books this one gives equal weighting to bacteriology, mycology and virology. The use of tables throughout means that information is easily accessible.

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CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine Second Edition

CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine
By Leslie Dierauf , Frances M.D. Gulland
Second Edition 

 Book Description:

CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine, Second Edition is the only handbook specifically devoted to marine mammal medicine and health. With 66 contributors working together to craft 45 scientifically-based chapters, the text has been completely revised and updated to contain all the latest developments in this field. Building upon the solid foundation of the previous edition, the contents of this book are light-years ahead of the topics presented in the first edition.

See what's new in the Second Edition:
Marine mammals as sentinels of ocean health
Emerging and resurging diseases
Thorough revision of the Immunology chapter
Diagnostic imaging chapters to illustrate new techniques
Quick reference for venipuncture sites in many marine mammals
Unusual mortality events and mass strandings
New topics such as a chapter on careers
Wider scope of coverage including species outside of the United States and Canada

Filled with captivating illustrations and photographs, the Handbook guides you through the natural history of cetaceans, pinnipeds, manatees, sea otters, and polar bears. Prepared in a convenient, easy-to-use format, it is designed specifically for use in the field. Covering more than 40 topics, this one-of-a-kind reference is packed with data. The comprehensive compilation of information includes medicine, surgery, pathology, physiology, husbandry, feeding and housing, with special attention to strandings and rehabilitation. The CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine, Second Edition is still a must for anyone interested in marine mammals.

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The Laboratory Fish book

  The Laboratory Fish book

 Book Description:

This reference series provides researchers of all kinds with comprehensive practical information on different species of laboratory animals, for daily laboratory use. Each title in the series in devoted to a different species. and draws together all available data in one easily accessible source. Each has similar format, with sections on the strains available, their husbandry and special diets. This leads to sections on gross anatomy, endocrinology and reproduction, followed by more detailed sections on neuroanatomy, vasculature, cell biology and histology of particular organs and structures, and a section on molecular biology.
High quality illustrations are included throughout, with copious color histology microphotographs.

Key Features
* Comprehensive reference source for anybody working with laboratory fish
* 2-color, user-friendly format
* Copious high quality illustrations included throughout
* Color plate section
* Glossary
* Appendix of useful addresses

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Rapid Review of Small Exotic Animal Medicine and Husbandry

Rapid Review of Small Exotic Animal Medicine and Husbandry
By Karen L. Rosenthal, Neil A. Forbes, Fredric Frye, Gregory A. Lewbart

Book Description: 

This wide-ranging review is divided into four sections - small mammals, birds, reptiles/amphibians, ornamental fish - and consists of an introduction to the essential aspects of medicine and husbandry of each group of animals, 400 colour-illustrated clinical cases, plus summary questions to highlight key points. The Rapid Review is designed to appeal to veterinary practitioners dealing with an ever-wider variety of animals, to veterinary instructors and students, technicians, nurses and assistants, and to other animal health professionals in practice and training.

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Veterinary Echocardiography 2nd Edition

Veterinary Echocardiography
By June A. Boon
2nd Edition

Book Description:
Veterinary Echocardiography, Second Edition is a fully revised version of the classic reference for ultrasound of the heart, covering two-dimensional, M-mode, and Doppler examinations for both small and large animal domestic species. Written by a leading authority in veterinary echocardiography, the book offers detailed guidelines for obtaining and interpreting diagnostic echocardiograms in domestic species. Now thoroughly updated to address advances in technology, including better transducers, tissue harmonic imaging, better color flow mapping, and color and spectral tissue Doppler imaging, this second edition provides an authoritative, comprehensive resource for echocardiographers of all levels of experience.

The Second Edition has been restructured to be more user-friendly, with chapters on acquired and congenital heart diseases broken down into shorter disease-specific chapters. Key changes include the addition of normal tissue Doppler technique, as well as five new appendices, covering topics such as normal reference ranges and an exam checklist. Veterinary Echocardiography, Second Edition builds on the success of the previous edition to provide complete information on obtaining echocardiograms in veterinary medicine.

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Canine and Feline Geriatric Oncology Honoring the Human-Animal Bond

Canine and Feline Geriatric Oncology
Honoring the Human-Animal Bond
By Alice Villalobos, Laurie Kaplan
1st Edition :

Book Description:

Half the population of dogs and cats aged 10 and over will die of neoplasia. The bonds that clients have developed with their older pets are especially strong and drive the increasing demand for more proficient and highly compassionate medical treatment of companion animals diagnosed with cancer.

This book offers more than just a competent clinical approach to the most common tumors in dogs and cats. This book also offers a focus on the special needs of geriatric pets and their owners.

Amply illustrated with dozens of case studies representative of those regularly encountered in practice, Canine and Feline Geriatric Oncology will provide readers with the tools needed to diagnose and treat aging pets with cancer, and to help clients make the best decisions for themselves and for the animals with whom they share their lives.

Canine and Feline Geriatric Oncology is a unique resource. It is a useful oncology reference for specialists, veterinarians in general practice, veterinary technicians, and clinic staff. The many "what ifs" that the practitioner inevitably faces in interactions with clients and their aging pets with cancer are presented and discussed.

Special Features:

* Focuses on the special needs of geriatric pets and their caregivers;

* Offers direction in the diagnosis and treatment of aging pets with cancer;

* Addresses many of the "what ifs" that arise in interactions with clients and aging pets with cancer;

* Amply illustrated with full color throughout;

* A valuable reference for practicing veterinarians, technicians, hospital staff, and professionals involved in supportive counseling for pet caregivers.

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Pathways to Pregnancy and Parturition

 Pathways to Pregnancy and Parturition by P.L SANGER

Book Description: 

The textbook, Pathways to Pregnancy and Parturition, by P. L. Senger, available in Paperback. Published by: Current Conceptions, Inc.. Edition: 2ND. ISBN10: 0965764818. ISBN13: 9780965764810. Ships directly from the vendor. Not a marketplace or backordered item. Our used books are hand inspected and in very good condition.

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Textbook of Small Animal Surgery

Textbook of Small Animal Surgery
By Douglas Slatter 
Third Edition

Book Description: 

This two-volume masterwork offers explicit guidelines for evaluating patients, selecting the right operation, and implementing clinically proven procedures. It covers major topics relevant to the field such as oncology, ophthalmology, dentistry, the nervous system, the urinary and reproductive systems, and more. The up-to-date 3rd edition features an increased emphasis on decision-making algorithms and high-quality images that depict relevant anatomy, diagnostic features, and sequential steps in operative procedures. Expanded, detailed coverage assists the reader with learning and applying the latest surgical techniques.

  • Contributors from three different continents and 17 countries, outstanding in their fields, lend a global perspective to the work.
  • Extensive, high-quality illustrations aid the reader in clear visualization of techniques, instrumentation, and diagnosis.
  • References for each chapter direct the reader to further sources of information.
  • An appendix of normal laboratory values for the dog and cat put this essential information within easy reach.
  • A cardiopulmonary resuscitation algorithm is printed on the inside front cover for quick and easy reference.
  • A quick guide to evaluation and initial stabilization of life-threatening cardiopulmonary complications is printed on the inside back cover for immediate access to crucial information.
  • The section on critical care has been expanded to include more complete information.
  • 10 new section editors and 146 new contributors bring new insight to topics in their areas of expertise.
  • 38 new chapters, including a chapter on arthroscopy, reflect current knowledge and advances.
  • Detailed coverage of surgery techniques present explicit, easy-to-follow guidelines and procedures.
  • An increased emphasis on decision-making algorithms makes the book even more clinically useful.
  • Each chapter has been thoroughly revised, providing the most comprehensive scope of coverage for each topic.

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Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians and Animal Scientists

Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians and Animal Scientists 
By Katherine A. Houpt
5th Edition

Book Description:

Is a fully updated revision of this classic text, with chapters examining key behavior issues ranging from communication to social structure. Coverage encompasses a wide variety of domestic animals including cats, dogs, horses, pigs, sheep, and cattle.   The Fifth Edition also expands its coverage on new key areas of behavior research, including cognition and the genetics of behavior, and provides valuable, current information on normal and aberrant behaviors, making it a must-have resource for veterinarians and animal scientists seeking a thorough understanding of animal behavior.

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McIlwraith and Turner's Equine Surgery Advanced Techniques

McIlwraith and Turner's Equine Surgery
Advanced Techniques
By C. Wayne McIlwraith, James T. Robertson , A. Simon Turner 

Book Description:

The book defines the set of complex surgical procedures commonly performed in horses. This edition has been expanded to cover soft tissue procedures applicable in both racing stock and pet animals. The authors are internationally-known equine surgeons who themselves have developed many of the techniques discussed in the text.

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Georgis' Parasitology for Veterinarians 9th Edition

Georgis' Parasitology for Veterinarians
9th Edition
By Dwight D. Bowman

 Book Description:

Now in full color, this comprehensive reference provides current information on all parasites commonly encountered in veterinary medicine. Its primary focus is on parasites that infect major domestic species, such as dogs, cats, horses. pigs, and ruminants. This edition also covers organisms that infect poultry, laboratory animals, and exotic species. And with this book's coverage of minor and rare parasites, you'll be able to diagnose more difficult cases. No other book in this market is so respected and so complete. It's the only parasitology reference that provides everything you'll need!

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Veterinary Biochemistry & Biotechnology

Veterinary Biochemistry & Biotechnology 
By Mohd. Amanullah

 Book Description:

Undergraduate Veterinary students assume Biochemistry to be a terror among all the subjects. The fear in this aspect is just because of their sudden exposure to a vast knowledge available in basic sciences, especially in Biochemistry. Inorder to overcome this nightmare, there was an urgent need to prepare a text book for Veterinary Sciences which put forth a brief description of Biochemistry, just enough to understand the other subjects required to complete the B.V.Sc. & A.H course. Hence this book "Veterinary Biochemistry & Biotechnology" is prepared keeping in view the immature minds of the students who just entered a professional course. No doubt that there are a number of books, available in the market embedding very many details of each and every aspect of Biochemistry, but this books gives only the basic information in the form of short notes in a very simple language. Understanding a glossary of terminnologies in English itself becomes a great task for the students. Had this course been designed in the individual's mother tongue then, more than half of the course would have been easier.

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Horse Behaviour and Welfare

Horse Behaviour and Welfare
By Martine Hausberger, Eva Søndergaard, William Martin-Rosset
1st Edition

Book Description:

Horse behaviour and welfare is a major issue as horses are mainly sport and recreational animals where the human-animal relation is essential. Scientific studies on this topic have increased greatly over the last decade and this publication enlightens some of the major issues raised such as horse temperament, early experience, horsing and social management and equine behaviour welfare. Precise studies are described here, that are placed in the more general context of the international scientific advances. Important behavioural aspects concern: how to measure temperament traits and the genetic/experimental influences on temperament, when, how and whether to handle foals in order to improve human/foal relation, the importance of the social environment on the behaviour of young and adult horses. On the other hand, the improvement of equine welfare through better practices is described such as housing design, feeding practices or social grouping. The use of behavioural cues in order to assess welfare is discussed and tested through experimental approaches. This book constitutes a very rich overview of the recent and new research lines in the field of horse behaviour and welfare.

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Feeding in Domestic Vertebrates

Feeding in Domestic Vertebrates 
From Structure to Behaviour
By  V. Bels 

 Book Description:

Domestication of vertebrates is based on the understanding of the needs of animals in their natural environment. Thus, the success of this domestication throughout human history is largely dependant of the knowledge of the animal feeding behaviour. The aim of this volume is to provide advanced students and researchers with a review of current knowledge of feeding in domestic mammals and birds. The book also presents chapters on feeding behaviour in particular species; the scope is wide, covering not only ruminants, poultry and pigs, but also more specifically horses, rabbits and ostrich. Contributors include leading research workers from Europe, USA, Australia and South Africa.

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Maladies des Bovins

Maladies des Bovins
By Institut Elevage
3rd Edition

Book Description:

La 3ème édition de l’ouvrage, remise à jour, aborde les notions de base pour réussir un élevage bovins allaitants.Il détaille l’économie, les races, la notion de qualité, la reproduction, la sélection, l’alimentation, l’hygiène, les bâtiments avec de nombreux exemples et photos pour illustrer le propos. Les notions technico-économique sont développées afin de donner au lecteur des indications de performances utiles en période de crise.De nouvelles thématiques utiles pour le professionnel, complètent en annexe cette 3ème édition. Citons notamment l’abreuvement, le compostage, la gestion de la mise à l’herbe, le tri des déchets vétérinaires, la sécurité en élevage, le pédiluve, la désinfection des litières, le carnet sanitaire, la nouvelle A.S.D.A., le bien être, la conditionnalité, la génomique, la semence sexée...Les étudiants et les éleveurs trouveront dans cet ouvrage les réponses à la plupart de leurs questions.This third edition of the book covers in detail the economics, breeds, a notion of quality, reproduction, selection, feeding, hygiene. The knowledge is techno-economics and develop in order to give the lector the useful indications of performance at crisis period.

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Maladies des Bovins

Maladies des Bovins
By Institut d'Elevage, Martial Marguet 
4th Edition

Book Description:

Cette 40 édition, intégralement actualisée et considérablement augmentée, présente plus de 200 pathologies parmi les plus courantes affectant les bovins. Une attention particulière a été portée à l'iconographie (plus de 1700 photos et illustrations en couleur) afin de mettre à disposition de l'éleveur, et aux divers acteurs de la santé animale, un maximum d'informations sur ces troubles et maladies. A partir de travaux de groupe réunissant l'Institut de l'Élevage, l'enseignement vétérinaire et les praticiens, l'ouvrage présente, en 800 pages, l'ensemble des connaissances disponibles à ce jour. Dans chaque domaine particulier de la santé animale, un vétérinaire spécialiste détaille les causes, les facteurs de risque, les tomes, le dispositif général de lutte et le traitement. L'ouvrage prend aussi en compte l'évolution de la réglementation et les exigences sanitaires dans les élevages. Il répertorie les principaux médicaments ; que les différents éléments de la réglementation et du suivi sanitaire. Le bon état de santé du troupeau reste une condition de réussite pour tout élevage. C'est pourquoi, une surveillance constante mobilise l'éleveur qui pourra disposer, avec ce livre, d'un outil de veille sanitaire actuellement sans équivalent. C'est un manuel de référence unique en France et en Europe destiné aux éleveurs, aux étudiants ainsi qu'à l'ensemble de la filière sanitaire

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The Insects

The Insects 
Structure and Function
By  R. F. Chapman, Stephen J. Simpson, Angela E. Douglas
5th Edition

Book Description:

The Insects has been the standard textbook in the field since the first edition published over forty years ago. Building on the strengths of Chapman's original text, this long-awaited 5th edition has been revised and expanded by a team of eminent insect physiologists, bringing it fully up-to-date for the molecular era. The chapters retain the successful structure of the earlier editions, focusing on particular functional systems rather than taxonomic groups and making it easy for students to delve into topics without extensive knowledge of taxonomy. The focus is on form and function, bringing together basic anatomy and physiology and examining how these relate to behaviour. This, combined with nearly 600 clear illustrations, provides a comprehensive understanding of how insects work. Now also featuring a richly illustrated prologue by George McGavin, this is an essential text for students, researchers and applied entomologists alike.

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Monday, 29 April 2013

Small Animal Surgery (Fossum)- 4th Edition

Small Animal Surgery Expert Consult - Online and print, 4th Edition

Author : T  Fossum  
Imprint: Mosby

Book Description:

The fourth edition of Small Animal Surgery serves as a one-stop resource for authoritative information on all aspects of small animal surgery. Coverage includes basic procedures such as spays, castrations, and declaws, as well as more advanced surgeries like craniotomy, ventral slots, and lung lobectomy. New contributors bring a fresh perspective and discuss the latest advances in key areas such as imaging modalities, regenerative medicine, minimally invasive surgery, and neurology. Access to a companion website provides a fully searchable version of the book, bi-monthly content updates, videos, aftercare instructions, case presentations, and a fracture planner.

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Atlas of Clinical Avian Hematology

Atlas of Clinical Avian Hematology
By Phillip Clark, Wayne S. J. Boardman, Shane R. Raidal
1st Edition

Book Description:    

Is a practical guide to the hematological characteristics of birds. Illustrated throughout with many color photographs, this rich resource aids interpretation of hematological data, and promotes the accurate classification of hematological cells and identification of pathological changes.
Covering over 100 species of birds, the Atlas illustrates the general hematological characteristics of birds; the hematological variations encountered between the different Orders of birds; and the hematological responses to disease of birds, using clinical cases from many species of birds and a range of clinical disorders.

    Describes how to collect and handle blood samples from birds to best preserve the quality of the blood.
    Highly illustrated, color guide to the hematological characteristics of birds
    Case data and images illustrates the avian hematological responses to disease

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Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits

Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits
By Dean H. Percy, Stephen W. Barthold
3rd Edition

Book Description:    

Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits has become a standard text for both veterinary pathologists and veterinarians in laboratory animal medicine. Newly recognized infectious diseases continue to emerge and molecular methods for studying infectious agents are becoming widely used for the classification of these and previously known pathogens. With the ongoing development and perfection of genetic engineering techniques, the use of genetically engineered mice in the research laboratory continues to grow exponentially.
This new edition features updates throughout with increased emphasis on timely topics such as infectious diseases in genetically engineered mice. Diseases covered include viral infections, bacterial infections, parasitic diseases, nutritional and metabolic disorders, behavioral disorders, aging and degenerative disorders, environment-related disease, and neoplasms. Organized by species, coverage includes mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, and rabbits. Veterinary pathologists, laboratory animal veterinarians, and students will appreciate the concise organization and easily accessible information on key diagnostic features, differential diagnoses, and significance of diseases.

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Color Atlas of Veterinary Anatomy Volume 3 The Dog and Cat

Color Atlas of Veterinary Anatomy
Volume 3
The Dog and Cat
2nd Edition
By Stanley H. Done, Peter C. Goody, Susan A. Evans, Neil C. Stickland

 Book Description:   

If you are looking for a book that presents a unique photographic record of dissections showing the topographical anatomy of the dog and cat: this is the atlas for you! Part of a comprehensive 3-volume set that also covers Ruminants (Volume 1) and The Horse (Volume 2), the Color Atlas of the Dog and Cat takes a complete look at virtually every aspect of veterinary anatomy. With this book you will be able to see the position and relationships of bones, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and viscera that go to make up each region of the body and each organ system. Rich with full-color photographs and drawings of dissections prepared specifically for these texts, each book in the series illustrates regional surface features photographed before dissection, then gives high-quality complementary photographs of articulated skeletons.

  • Accessibly and systematically structured with each chapter is devoted to a specific body region
  • Important features of regional and topographical anatomy presented in full color photos of detailed dissections
  • Detailed color line drawings clarify the relationships of relevant structures
  • Website offers drag and drop quizzes and the chance to test yourself with mcqs
  • Informative captions give additional information necessary for proper interpretation of the images
  • Presents anatomy in a clinical context
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Part 2 

Note: Use HJ Split Software to combine these part... Enjoy  
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A Color Handbook of Skin Diseases of the Dog and Cat

A Color Handbook of Skin Diseases of the Dog and Cat
By Patrick J. McKeever, Tim Nuttall, Richard G. Harvey 
Second Edition

Book Description:    

A revised edition of the best-selling book. The strengths of the First Edition have been preserved and the authors have revised the entire text for the new Second Edition, adding twenty-one new sections and a wealth of color photos. The book has a problem-oriented approach arranged in twelve chapters covering dermatoses classified by their principal presenting sign. The structured text covers definition, etiology & pathogenesis, clinical features, differential diagnoses, diagnostic tests, and management. It contains superb color photos and diagrams. The focus is on clinical practice and the need to explain the disease to the owner.
This beautifully illustrated handbook will be of lasting value to veterinary practitioners and students, veterinary nurses and technicians worldwide.

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Principles of Equine Dentistry

Principles of Equine Dentistry
By David O. Klugh
1st Edition

Book Description:    

The equine dentition (hypsodont) develops differently from that of humans and small animals (brachydont), yet many of the principles of general dentistry are applicable to the equine species. Some are not. Dr. Klugh and his contributing authors identify, apply and evaluate the principles of general dentistry in relation to the horse—their similarities and differences. Such a system is of value in terms of vocabulary, biology and disease process. The book’s coverage ranges from anatomy, biomechanics and examination to radiology, anaesthesia, trauma, disease and restoration. Top quality colour photographs and diagrams illustrate the text throughout. Principles of Equine Dentistry will be of value to equine dentists, equine practitioners, instructors and trainees, and to veterinary students.

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Jubb, Kennedy & Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals

Jubb, Kennedy & Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals
By M. Grant Maxie
5th Edition

 Book Description:   

The 5th edition of Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals continues the long tradition of this classic set of volumes as the most comprehensive reference book published on the topic of pathology of the common domestic mammals, with emphasis on disease conditions of cattle and small ruminants, swine, horses, dogs and cats. Using a body systems approach, recognized authorities in their fields provide overviews of general characteristics of the system, reactions to insult, and disease conditions broken down by type of infectious or toxic insult affecting the anatomical subdivisions of each body system. Since the publication of the 4th edition in 1993, much has changed. Disease agents, such as Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) type 2, Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), Porcine circovirus 2, Hendra virus, and Leptospira spp., have emerged or further evolved. Molecular-based testing, including polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and in-situ hybridization, have allowed further understanding of pathogenesis of disease, and have greatly furthered our diagnostic capabilities.

    Thoroughly revised text, including new or evolving pathogens and new diagnostic techniques.
    Approximately 470 new illustrations.
    Maintains the currency of the text, assists the reader in putting new conditions into perspective.
    Updating of the Bibliography on each subject gives readers new entry points into the rapidly expanding literature on each subject.
    Illustrations of new conditions or agents.
    Reader-friendliness improved through highlighting of text, bullet-point lists, italics, diagnostic hints.

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Shelter Medicine for Veterinarians and Staff

Shelter Medicine for Veterinarians and Staff
By Lila Miller, Stephen Zawistowski 
2nd Edition

Book Description:    

Is the premier reference on shelter medicine. Divided into sections on management, species-specific animal husbandry, infectious disease, animal cruelty, shelter programs, behavior, and spay/neuter, the new edition has been reformatted in a more user-friendly design with briefer chapters and information cross-referenced between chapters.  Maintaining a herd health approach, new and expanded chapters address issues of husbandry, infectious disease management, behavior forensics, population management, forensic toxicology, animal cruelty and hoarding, enrichment in shelters, spay/neuter, and shelter design.
Now in full color, this fully updated new edition delivers a vast array of knowledge necessary to provide appropriate and humane care for shelter animals.  Veterinarians, veterinary technicians and shelter professionals will find this to be the go-to resource on the unique aspects of shelter medicine that help facilitate operating a modern, efficient, and humane shelter.

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Long Acting Animal Health Drug Products

Long Acting Animal Health Drug Products
Fundamentals and Applications
By Michael J. Rathbone, Arlene McDowell 
2013 Edition

Book Description:    

Long acting veterinary formulations play a significant role in animal health, production and reproduction within the animal health industry.  Such technologies offer beneficial advantages to the veterinarian, farmer and pet owner. These advantages have resulted in them growing in popularity in recent years.   The pharmaceutical scientist is faced with many challenges when innovating new products in this demanding field of controlled release. This book provides the reader with a comprehensive guide on the theories, applications, and challenges associated with the design and development of long acting veterinary formulations.  The authoritative chapters of the book are written by some of the leading experts in the field.  The book covers a wide scope of areas including the market influences, preformulation, biopharmaceutics, in vitro drug release testing and specification setting to name but a few.  It also provides a detailed overview of the major technological advances made in this area. As a result this book covers everything a formulation scientist in industry or academia, or a student needs to know about this unique drug delivery field to advance health, production and reproduction treatment options and benefits for animals worldwide.

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A Dissection Guide and Atlas to the Fetal Pig

A Dissection Guide and Atlas to the Fetal Pig
By David G. Smith, Michael P. Schenk 
3rd Edition

Book Description:    

A Dissection Guide & Atlas to the Fetal Pig is designed to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to the anatomy of the fetal pig. This full-color dissection guide and atlas gives the student carefully worded directions for learning basic mammalian anatomy through the use of a fetal pig specimen. Great care has gone into the preparation of accurate and informative illustrations and the presentation of quality color photographs and photomicrographs. The text is clearly written, and dissection instructions are set apart from the text to assist the student in the lab. Each chapter begins with a list of objectives, and tables are utilized to conveniently summarize key information. To facilitate ease of use in the laboratory setting, student versions of this title are three-hole drilled and in loose-leaf format.

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Equine Podiatry

Equine Podiatry
Medical and Surgical Management of the Hoof
By Andrea Floyd, Richard Mansmann
1st Edition

Book Description:    

This comprehensive text not only covers basic principles of horseshoeing, but also focuses on medical and surgical foot care management. Starting with the anatomy and physiology of the equine foot, this one-of-a-kind book then evaluates the foot, its pathological conditions (including structural, developmental, and traumatic conditions in addition to laminitis), balancing and shoeing the healthy and diseased equine hoof, and ends with a chapter on new directions in equine podiatry, written by cutting-edge researchers in the field.

    Written by and for both veterinarians and farriers, this book makes it easier for veterinarians and farriers to collaborate on the proper care and shoeing of the horse's foot.
    Text is devoted entirely to equine podiatry - with 70 percent to 80 percent of lameness problems involving the foot, this comprehensive discussion is invaluable to the equine practitioner.
    Highly respected and qualified authors from all over the world provide expert information, along with a chapter on the future of equine podiatry.
    Beautiful 4-color design and art program gives the reader helpful visual aids that clarify explanations in the text.

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Color Atlas of the Horse's Foot

Color Atlas of the Horse's Foot
By Christopher C. Pollitt 

Book Description:    

Lameness is one of the most common problems encountered in the equine practice. It may be caused by a problem in the foot itself, or in the limbs, but is frequently manifested in pathological changes of the pedal tissue. This atlas features almost 500 full colour illustrations to aid in the identification of diseases, illustrating the conditions using photographs and diagrams, and providing notes on the diagnosis and management. Case histories are included, and are followed pictorially from initial presentation through treatment to recovery.

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Advances in Equine Nutrition IV

Advances in Equine Nutrition IV
By J. D. Pagan
1st Edition

Book Description:    

Written by leading research scientists, this informative compilation examines the latest advances in equine nutrition, veterinary medicine, and exercise physiology for a range of horses, including the broodmare, the growing horse, and the performance horse. While focusing on foraging and general nutrition, this resource also explores specialized management and techniques for the prevention of injuries and diseases, such as insulin resistance and hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP).

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Osteopathy and the Treatment of Horses

Osteopathy and the Treatment of Horses
By Anthony Pusey, Julia Brooks, Annabel Jenks 
1st Edition

Book Description:   

Written by pioneering and internationally-renowned specialists in the field, this text provides clinically-orientated information on osteopathy as a treatment for horses. It explains the scientific rationale of how osteopathy works in animals, as well as providing a detailed working guide to the technical skills and procedures you need to know to perform safe and effective osteopathic procedures.

    Drawing on well established practices for humans this book provides details on the full variety of diagnostic and therapeutic osteopathic procedures that can be used on horses.
    Full of practical information, it demonstrates how professionals treating equine locomotor problems can adapt different procedures in different clinical settings.
    Over 350 colour images and detailed step-by-step instructions demonstrate the procedures and practice of osteopathy.
    Covers treatment both with and without sedation and general anaesthetic.

This comprehensive text is written for students and practitioners of osteopathy with an interest in treating horses. It will also be useful to other allied therapists, and to veterinary practitioners who want to know more about the treatment of musculoskeletal problems.

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Medicine and Surgery of Tortoises and Turtles

Medicine and Surgery of Tortoises and Turtles
By Stuart McArthur, Roger Wilkinson, Jean Meyer
1st Edition

Book Description:    

Is an innovative and exciting new reference book on the management of chelonians. Covering everything from species identification to virus isolation techniques, it is an indispensable source of information for veterinary practitioners treating sick or injured chelonians and all those involved in captive chelonian care, chelonian conservation medicine, and scientific research.

Written by leading chelonian veterinarians from around the world, this definitive book includes:

    Detailed sections on anatomy, physiology, husbandry, nutrition, diagnosis, diseases, anaesthesia, surgery, therapeutics and conservation.

    Over 1000 full-colour photographs, which take the reader through disease recognition, practical nursing, captive husbandry and common surgical conditions.

    Down-to-earth clinical information presented in a user-friendly format.

Medicine and Surgery of Tortoises and Turtles is both a step-by-step photographic guide and a detailed source of clinical and scientific data. As well as this, it contains fascinating material that has never been published before, ensuring that it will become the primary chelonian reference book.

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National Veterinary Medical Series
By Gary D. Osweiler

Book Description:    

The National Veterinary Medical Series (NVMS) is an effective, economical system for learning and review. Basic and clinical veterinary science are outlined in a practical format that enables you to master large amounts of information in a limited amount of time.
The book in the NVMS helps you to prepare for National Boards and the Clinical Competency Test and are excellent resources for problem-based learning.

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A Color Atlas of Avian Anatomy

A Color Atlas of Avian Anatomy
By J. McLelland

Book Description:    

This colour atlas provides an introduction to how birds are constructed. It is concerned principally with the economically important species, but, where their anatomy significantly differ, the more common caged birds are dealt with. The book is planned around certain body systems including the integument and skeleton and digestive, urogenital and respiratory tracts. Lymphoid tissue, blood vessels and nerves are dealt with as they occur in association with these systems. In some instances, a straight topographical approach is taken. Most of the photographs are of fresh, unfixed material, some were taken with the aid of a dissecting microscope. The photographs are accompanied by a short text which identifies the various features and explains their function.

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Saturday, 27 April 2013

Janeway's Immunobiology

Janeway's Immunobiology
By  Kenneth M. Murphy 
8th Edition

Book Description:   

Janeway's Immunobiology is a textbook that introduces the immune system in all its aspects to undergraduates, and also provides a treatment of the subject that is comprehensive enough to be useful to graduate students interested in research, and to medical students focused on clinical applications. The Eighth Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated. Janeway's Immunobiology continues to set the standard for currency and authority with its clear writing style and organization, uniform art program, and scientific accuracy. It presents a consistent point of view throughout—that of the host's interaction with an environment containing many species of potentially harmful microorganisms. The full-color art program is conceptually coherent and illustrates the processes and mechanisms underlying the concepts in the text. The 16 chapters in this readable, accessible textbook are organized and presented in such a way as to help deliver a complete one-semester immunology course, beginning with innate immunity, then moving to adaptive immunity, and ending with applied clinical immunology.

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Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of the Domestic Animals

Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of the Domestic Animals
By Peter Popesko
2nd Edition

Book Description:   

Latin/English Version
This is easily the best multi-species anatomical atlas there is for domestic animals. It covers Cattle, Horses, Goats, Sheep, Dogs, Cats, and Rabbits (although Cattle and Horses are covered in greater detail than the others). The illustrations are very clear and full of detail. As far as I can tell it has been out of print for quite awhile, but this is not due to the book being outdated - as far as I'm concerned the newer anatomy atlases on the market today do not come close. If you are interested in Large animal anatomy I would not hesitate to pick one of these classics up (even if it ends up costing twice as much as a current alternative)

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